Question 1/13

How old are you?

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Question 2/13

Have you had either (or both) a new sex partner or multiple partners in the last 90 days?

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Question 3/13

Right now do you have more than one sex partner?

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Question 4/13

Have you ever been told you had a STI or have you ever been treated for an STI?

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Question 5/13

How many sex partners have you had in the last 90 days?

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Question 6/13

When you have sex, do you use a condom?

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Question 7/13

What was your sex assigned at birth?

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Question 8/13

Which best describes your gender?

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Question 9/13

In the past have you had sex with? (Select all that apply.)

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Question 10/13

In the past 3 months, have you engaged in oral sex?

ORAL SEX is when a person puts their mouth or tongue to someone's vagina, penis or anus.

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Question 11/13

In the past 3 months, have you engaged in anal sex?

ANAL SEX is when a penis is put into a rectum, anus, or butt.

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Question 12/13

In the past 3 months, have you engaged in vaginal sex? (Select all that apply.)

VAGINAL SEX is when a penis is put into a vagina.

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Question 13/13

In the past month, have you been tested for gonorrhea or chlamydia?

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Question 13B/13

Since you answered yes, we have one last question to ask you:

When you were tested for gonorrhea or chlamydia, how was that test performed? (Select all that apply.)

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